Really ADIDAS Only 4.5%?
The New York Times revealed that out of 1700 employees at adidas, only 4.5%, or 75, of them are African American. Through interviews with employees, many of them stated that the company struggles with diversity and racial discrimination.
According to The New York Times’ interviewees, it is said that black employees often sit with each other in the cafeteria. Some said they were told that this makes their white colleagues nervous and could hurt their chances of being promoted or being put on important marketing campaigns.
Adidas planned to release all white sneakers for Black History Month, pitch NBA player James Harden escaping out of a prison cell in 2016, and picture Damian Lillard as a court defendant. Karen Parkin, the global head of human resources for adidas, told The New York Times that adidas had “zero tolerance” for inappropriate behavior. Parkin added, “We want to be humble… We’re not where we need to be in all of the locations around the world. But we’re not afraid to have the conversation, either.
Pretty ironic since about 55% of adidas workforce in the US are people of color.