Styrofoam can no longer be imported into Grenada, a ban on importation took effect. It is the first step in a phased approach to the eradication of Styrofoam and reduction of single-use plastics, in keeping with the Non-Biodegradable Waste Control Act which was passed in both Houses of Parliament this year.
The second phase will be a ban on the sale of Styrofoam, effective March 1, 2019; and by the start of the following month, the sale and offer for sale of food in or with these products will be prohibited. Ultimately, there should be no Styrofoam across Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, the government said.
Minister for Climate Resilience and the Environment, Senator Simon Stiell said the ban was not instituted arbitrarily, but in consultation with importers and other stakeholders.
” The importation ban will prohibit more Styrofoam from being imported into the country. We have been discussing with importers what product they have coming into the country, what they have on order and what they have in inventory,” he said.
Stiell said it was encouraging that “many restaurants and many stores have already transitioned to alternative products, and the stated timelines are agreed upon by both importers and Government.”
He added that Government was committed to working together with stakeholders to ensure that the transition and economic impact of the ban on Styrofoam and specified single-use plastics are as seamless as possible. The Environment Minister described the Non-Biodegradable Waste Control Act as “progressive legislation” which seeks to regulate the use of non-biodegradable products, with a view to reducing the negative environmental impacts and improving the health of Grenadians. The legislation also places a ban on single use handled shopping bags. The importation ban on these bags will come into effect on February 1, 2019 and by February 1, 2020, no more of those bags should be available in Grenada.
The ban on other single-use plastics, such as cutlery, plates and cups, is also due to come into force on February 1, 2019 but government said there is need for further consultation with stakeholders before the order for that ban is signed, allowing the law to go into effect.