Chicago Crime doesn’t have a Bedtime
When thinking of the weekend people usually think of calm relaxing days filled with naps and rest. However, this was not the case in the Windy City of Chicago. Approximately 10 people were killed in the city this weekend to what the police are saying gang-related shootings. More than 60 civilians were shot over the August weekend alone. The majority of the shootings took place between the times of midnight and 3 am with 30 people shot. The main locations where the gun violence happened were located in the west and south sides of Chicago, mostly known for their frequent amount of gang violence. Due to the extreme amount of injured civilians, the mass media intervened.
Then, a news conference took place Sunday morning where the police Chief of patrol Fred waller attributed all the violence to be caused by gang members that shot into crowds at night time. He then stated that “They shoot into a crowd, no matter whom they hit,” he told the press. This August weekend was definitely the worst Chicago has experienced as of yet in 2018. Earlier this month The Chicago Tribune reported that 532 fewer shooting happened this year compared to 2017.
However, the police force of Chicago will not just simply lay down to the like of small groups of gang members that cause such extreme effects to the people of Chicago. To combat this ongoing epidemic, in June federal officials debuted the creation of the Chicago Gun Strike Force. This Strikeforce will be made up of police officers, state troopers, federal agents and intelligence specialists. In fact, the sole purpose of this team was to help eliminate the trend of illegal guns and to eliminate repeat gun offenders who are the main problem of the violence that takes place in the great city of Chicago.