Base1 cup of walnuts6 pitted dates1⁄4 cup of coconut oil1⁄2 tablespoon of agaveTop layer3 cups of soaked Brazil nuts 1 cup of agave1⁄2 cup of coconut oil4 tablespoons of key limejuiceOptional third layer – any fruit you like (get creative
MethodNote: This works best with the bottom on circle pan lined with parchment paper so you can easily pull cake out, that’s if you’re not already using a specially designed cheesecake pan.**Take 1 cup of walnuts, 6 pitted dates, 1⁄4 cup of coconut oil, 1⁄2 tablespoon of agave and mix in blender until it resembles granola. This is your base.**Once base is grounded down, line the bottom of your parchment paper, cover the bottom or grease the bottom with the mixture till it covers the circle in full. Mash down to make it even and place in oven on 350 for 6 minutes.**Take 3 cups of Brazil nuts, 1 cup of agave, 1⁄2 cup of coconut oil, 4 tablespoons of lime juice and blend until it’s very smooth and creamy. This will be your second layer. Once blended to perfection scoop or pour over top of first (walnut) base.**Place in freezer for 2 hours so it can settle.**Optional step – I like to blend up my favorite fruit or fruits and once the 2nd layer has settled after 2 hours I’ll smooth my third fruit layer over the top and let it sit in the freezer for 1 hour. Be creative in this step you can use a tooth pick to make designs, you can drizzle fruit down the sides etc.