Burger King Roasts Kanye West on Twitter
Kanye West has been the subject of a lot of controversies lately, but this week, one of his more harmless Tweets has caused a divide in the fast food world, leading Burger King to throw some shade. On Sunday, Kanye Tweeted “McDonald’s is my favorite restaurant,” to which, on Monday, Burger King UK quipped “Explains a lot.”
After the Tweet went viral, Burger King UK followed up with “If we knew this was going to blow up we would have made a soundcloud…” Burger King’s US Twitter also joined in on the roast, Tweeting, “eyes still closed I guess” — a reference to Ye’s recent Tweet about his misused voice in politics: “My eyes are now wide open and now realize I’ve been used to spread messages I don’t believe in. I am distancing myself from politics and completely focusing on being creative !!!”
Kanye’s “eyes are now wide open” Tweet was in response to his name being falsely used and advertised for a “Blexit” merchandise line urging voters to leave the Democratic Party.