A Starbucks Cup Was Spotted in Last Night’s Episode of ‘Game of Thrones’
HBO’s Game of Thrones is under scrutiny once again for showcasing a Starbucks cup in a shot of last night’s episode. Some feel the discontinuity of the series is at an all-time high following season 8, episode 3, and not catching a coffee cup blatantly visible in the shot doesn’t bode well for folks disappointed with the series’ endgame so far.
It sure looks like a drink from Starbucks, at least; the cup being somewhat far away from the camera, combined with the show’s trademark darkness, makes it a bit difficult to tell for sure.
Regardless, fans quickly delighted in this bizarre mistake, which was presumably the result of a cast or crew member staying caffeinated between scenes and somehow forgetting to clear the set before the cameras rolled again. How this was never noticed or fixed during editing is a mystery.