There are seven foods that will remove and fight toxins in the body.
Cherries, Chamomile, Plums, Papayas, Mushrooms, Dill, and Elderberry Tea are foods to consume to fight bacteria in your temple.
CHERRY – protecting the body against the damage of toxins, the antioxidants of cherries also boost the immune system and help us prevent infections. Eating cherries are known to ward of infections of the urinary tract, intestines, excretory system, and the colon. protects against flu as well as coughs and colds
CHAMOMILE – Chamomile is considered a safe plant and has been used in many cultures for stomach ailments and as a mild sedative. Chamomile tea is a good tea to drink if you want to ward off infectio
PLUMS – Plums have many beneficial antioxidants that help to strengthening the immune system. The health benefits of plums include relief from indigestion, influenza infections, and anxiety-related problems.
PAPAYAS – Historically, many people have turned to papayas to help treat infections in their body. Papayas are rich sources of antioxidant nutrients such as carotenes, vitamin C and flavonoids; the B vitamins, folate and pantothenic acid
MUSHROOMS – Mushrooms contain polysaccharides, beta-glucans, which inhibit infections to develop in the body. Those same natural antibiotics, can help to boost the immune system, protecting the body from developing infections.
DILL – Research states consuming dill can prevent a number of microbial infections throughout the body, particularly infections of various organs and those associated with wounds on the skin.
ELDERBERRY TEA – Elderberries are legendary for their ability to support immune function and respiratory function. Herbal tea can stimulate the production of white blood cells and rid the body of dangerous toxins, which allows your immune system to focus on fighting infections.