It has been 17 years since the September 11th terror attacks forever changed our country and our city. It was one of the deadliest days in American history – the Twin Towers destroyed, the Pentagon attacked, Flight 93 brought down, almost 3,000 people killed. Institutions suffered, as well. The FDNY lost 343 members, the NYPD lost 23 cops and PAPD lost 37
Four of the five buildings, including One, Three, Four and Seven World Trade, are now open and occupied. Over the weekend, the new WTC Cortlandt Street subway station reopened. There are also thousands of new residents living in the area, helping transform one of the nation’s worst tragedies into a symbol of renewal.
At 7 a.m., the 9/11 Museum opened only for family members of those who died. It will reopen to the public at 3 p.m. family and friends of those who died gathered near the National September 11th Memorial and Museum in Lower Manhattan, as they do every year, to pause, reflect and pay tribute to the lives that were lost that day.