Nishal Sankat faces charges of criminal attempt to steal an aircraft, criminal trespassing and visa violation. First of all, what in the sam hill going on with the son of the St Augustine campus of the University of the West Indies(UWI). Doesn’t his dad have some left over school money? Nishal shouldn’t be out in these streets, especially America pulling moves like that. Officials charged the boy for allegedly trying to steal an American Airlines plane at an airport, in Orlando Florida September 20th 2018.
Nishal Sankat is a student at FIT at 22 years of age and facing criminal charges of attempting to steal an aircraft, criminal trespassing and visa violation.
Sankat’s parents said they were not sure what had transpired and the incident “acutely underscores to the family the need to be aware of the challenges young students face, especially those living away from home and family”. Quoted from the Trinidad Express newspaper. “At this time, they have not yet been able to speak with their son, and since they have limited information, are still trying to ascertain all the facts surrounding the incident, and his well-being. As expected, their focus right now is on providing all the legal, mental, emotional and parental support possible,” The parents of Nishal added.