Nike Releases Colin Kaepernick “Just Do It” Commercial
Nike Releases Colin Kaepernick “Just Do It” Commercial, Set To Air During NFL Game Tomorrow Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the national anthem to protest the injustices done to Black and brown people in America. He did so because he spoke to a former Seattle Seahawks player and former Green Beret solider named Nate Boyer. Nate told him kneeling during the anthem was more respectful than sitting.
The world is still slightly in shock in the aftermath of Nike’s announcement that they had signed ousted QB . Colin Kaepernick to a multi-million-dollar contract and would fully support his movement for social justice.Today, the folks in Portland released the commercial that brings Kaepernick’s message back into perspective. Snatching it away from it’s colluding kidnappers in the White House and on conservative news outlets.