‘Game of Thrones’ Announces April 2019 Premiere in New Teaser
The eighth and final season of Game of Thrones will be premiering in April of 2019, the exciting news arrived from HBO on Tuesday morning via a new promotional video showcasing some of the show’s key moments including the Battle of the Bastards, Cersei Lannister’s (Lena Headey) Walk of Shame, Arya Stark (Maisie Williams) witnessing the execution of her father, Ned Stark (Sean Bean), and much more.
“When you play the Game of Thrones, you win…or you die,” Cersei explains in the voice-over, taken from season one, as the events leading up to season eight are dramatically laid out.
there is no exact date, this announcement should come as welcome news to the show’s legion of fans, as season seven didn’t debut until July of last year.
The final season aims to answer any number of nagging questions: Can Snow and the army of men stop the White Walkers? Will he be able to take the Iron Throne from Cersei? Is Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) pregnant and will we see the child? However, the cast has been especially tight-lipped on any details concerning the show’s final six episodes.
As Game of Thrones winds down, HBO has made it clear that they have a number of spinoffs in preliminary stages, One is set thousands of year prior to the events on GoT and Naomi Watts has been cast as the lead as it heads into production.