Everybody loves “The Real” tv show with those beautiful female host discussing every day topics. Recently Sesame Street revealed that muppet characters “Bert & Earnie” were homosexuals. Tamera Mowry and Jeannie Mai had got into a heated argument about this subject matter.
“I know that when I was watching Sesame Street as a kid, it was one of my favorite shows. I wasn’t really thinking about the genitalia and what they were doing sexually as a kid. They’re puppets,” she said. “But as a parent, I’m like, what are you teaching my child? Are you teaching my children how to love one another? Are you teaching my children how to be friendly and create amazing friendships? That’s what really matters. I don’t care if they’re brown, yellow, orange — whatever. What is the message?” – said Tamera Mowry
Things went left after Mai replied to Tamera about others saying Bert & Ernie is wrong for being gay. “I’m just saying, Tam. For me, I had to learn from them, too. I learned watching Sesame Street how to speak English, and Bert and Ernie were my best friends,” she said. “I believed in them and I learned from them, how to have a healthy and happy relationship. I learned how that relationship works. So when Sesame Street says they’re not gay, it says to me that being gay is not OK. That’s the problem. That’s the problem with this situation.” An angry Tamera chimes in an said
“I’m speaking for my kids and my experience, so you can speak from yours.”
“There are kids out there that have two moms and have two dads and they need to see that love takes shape in all forms,” she continued. “When Bert and Ernie are together, they have potential to break down barriers.” Says Jeannie Mai. Social media is having a field day with this topic. Me personally, it’s a double edge sword. It doesn’t matter who you love as long as you love them also, many of us as humans would not be alive today had they’ve known puppets were homosexual. But hey, what does it matter anyway?